The Sea Wall of Plymouth (Dystopian Comic Book)
The Sea Wall of Plymouth (Dystopian Comic Book)
In 2065, rising sea levels caused most coastal cities to sink. While walking along a nearly deserted Plymouth, Eileen remembers a childhood moment with her long-lost sister and reflects on the isolation brought about by the wall that protects the city from flooding.
Written and illustrated by Claudia Matosa, an independent author living in the United Kingdom.
Info and format
Suitable for 13+ audiences.
Format: A5, 40 pages (including cover)
- Human-made, using a mix of digital and physical media
- Printed in the United Kingdom or the European Union
- Shipped in 1-3 working days
This is, first and foremost, a beautiful book illustrated with large, atmospheric landscapes. It speaks of a world lost forever. The story touched my heart so I’m sure I’ll be returning to it time and time again..
Do you have a favourite comic set in your hometown? Don't see Plymouth in many, so buying one from Claudia Matosa was a must, especially since it's set in an area where I sit for almost an hour every day reading
Claudia’s artwork has an absolutely solid foundation in both form and colour. It’s really nice. It has a warm hand-drawn illustrative quality that you maybe find in a Nobrow or an Avery Hill book. [...] I’ve seen great work throughout the comic.